Its all about the money, money!

untitledThe world of nutrition has a number of problems.
The biggest one for me is the fact that there are so many products and approaches which are marketed in an extreme way.
It seems as though human beings are attracted to the extreme and this means an opportunity for somebody, or a company, to get a lot of publicity and then a lot of money.
Triathlon nutrition to me, still has too many extremes.
The original message was that we should eat high carb diets, now there is a significant amount of people who believe that a low carb, high fat approach is better.
To me that is a little extreme – one minute people are smashing down gels and having pasta for breakfast, dinner and tea, the next minute they are eating minimal carbs.
Unfortunately the fact is that humans are fickle and if told something will likely believe it without question, especially if it is from a respected source.
It has to be worth remembering though that the source is making a living from that standpoint, so it is worth their while to be extreme or even controversial – that’s just good marketing I suppose.
My view is that there is no one size fits all approach and to say any one particular way of eating is better is rash.
As a result of our physiology, where we were born, body type, length of event, volume of training, gender etc, we will all respond slightly differently to different approaches.
I don’t believe this is sitting on the fence, I believe that makes perfect sense.
Start from somewhere in the middle and then make small changes one by one and see how you react – keep making those changes until you notice some positive change.
That’s not exciting and it is not good marketing and therefore probably won’t make you want to invest in my services, but I would rather be honest – I would rather be a poor person who can sleep at night than a rich, pseudo celebrity who won’t budge on their view.
Just in case you’re worried about me – I am not poor, I am lucky enough to make a good living doing what I love.

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