One for the road – Alcohol

untitledLast weekend I went out for a few beers on Friday night with some mates I’ve not seen for a good while.

I don’t get to go out much these days, partly because of getting baby sitters etc and partly because I am usually that knackered by the weekend I just zonk out – sad I know.

Needless to say this has turned me in to a bit of a lightweight and my training for the next couple of days was shocking.

I am guessing most of you have been there at some point.

So what are the effects of alcohol on athletic performance, here we go:

Reduced Testosterone Levels

This is significant for various reasons like reducing competitive instinct and a reduction in functional muscle mass over time.

Insufficient Rest

Its easy to drop off after a few, but the resulting sleep is restless and poor quality.  When we sleep we produce human growth hormone which is responsible for rebuilding, aiding recovery and hence performance


There are 7 calories per gram of alcohol and these liquid calories are easy to over consume and hence lead to weight gain.  There is also a significant link with reduced control which can lead to eating kebabs on the way home – never a good thing!


Alcohol happens to be a diuretic, and the dehydration it leads to can take several days in recovery if a substantial amount is consumed. This is one of the most significant reasons why we feel ropey for a few days.

I like to drink like I enjoy eating cake, the key is to not go overboard ad in my view employ a little but often approach.  Far better to have a glass of wine every night than to drink two bottles in one night at the weekend.

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