5 ways to halt hunger

imageAs training volume goes up, getting hungry can be a real problem for endurance athletes.

One of the reasons for this is that in doing so much aerobic exercise our appetite goes up.  The training acts as a trigger if you like.

The main reason for this is that the body doesn’t want to break down any tissue – that includes fat.

The body wants to remain in a constant state or in homeostasis – That means the body doesn’t want to lose weight – Why?

Because it associates weight loss with a risk, the risk of starving and ultimately the risk of death.

So, we have to trick the body and work with our physiology, not against it.

That said, working against it will get you so far otherwise starvation would not exist – but who wants to starve?

Yep, not me!

So what to do?

1. Eat plenty of fat (naturally occurring, not trans fats) – This helps keep you full.  A good example of this would be avocado and olive oil.

2. Eat slowly – The slower you chew and the less rushed the whole eating process the more likely you will feel satiated.  Next time you eat try timing yourself and try and make it last at least 15 minutes.

3. Eat protein rich foods – Similar to fat this is satiating, good protein sources are meat, fish, eggs and grains like quinoa.

4. Add in as much vegetables as you like – literally no limits here, the more the better.

5. Avoid fluctuating blood sugar – this means avoiding or limiting insulinogenic foods.  These foods are usually carbohydrate dense foods and you can benefit from these but try to keep them pre and post training.

Follow those five rules and you should not feel hungry again, if you do it could be you are not getting enough so monitor how much goes in on an app like my fitness pal.

Jamie”I could eat a horse”Leighton

p.s – I know its coming and it can be frustrating and difficult fitting in training and eating well at Christmas.  Don’t worry I’ll be sharing some good tips over the festive season.

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