Top tip Tuesday

imageSo Tuesday is apparently the most productive day of the week.

Everyone feels ropey on a Monday and are just trying to get through.  By Tuesday they feel better and think:

“I better get things done today”

By Wednesday – they’re on the wind down for the weekend again

Interesting cycle!


If you’re feeling super motivated today and want to do something which will have the biggest impact nutritionally – Do this:

Start by getting your breakfast right and that means ditching the porridge.

I know, you’ve always eat porridge or at least since you started training properly but it really isn’t the best option.

You see, it is too carb heavy for first thing in the morning.

After you’ve spent the night fasting which essentially leads to lower glycogen levels you are very sensitive to insulin first thing in the morning.

Insulin is a very powerful hormone and is produced in response to a carb dense meal to bring your blood sugars down.

The problems with insulin are many but one main one is this:

When we produce insulin to mop up the sugar in our blood from the carbs we’ve eaten, the body will often overdo the insulin production.

Thats because its not good for the body to have too much sugar in the blood – this is why diabetics have so many health problems.

This drop in blood sugar makes us hungry and we crave more carbs- elevensies anyone?

So what should you eat?

A fat and protein dense breakfast is best with maybe some carbs depending on your circumstances.

My favourite brekky at the moment:

A 3 egg omelette cooked in coconut oil, a fistful of spinach and some crumbled feta – washed down with a cup of green tea.

Tasty and keeps me full until lunch – perfect.

This is perfect for me at the moment but of course depending on your training, your body type and physiology it may not be optimal for you.

What is optimal?

Sorry – I don’t know.

You’d have to be a client for me to know that.

My clients fill in questionnaires, send me pictures and talk to me about their circumstances which when interpreted tells me the best plan for them.

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