You can’t have it now

imageYes, you have to be patient unfortunately.

I saw a picture the other day of “The Beatles” before they were famous playing to a crowd of something like 6 people.

18 months later they were massive.

After that gig they could have just said – whats the point and just give up.

But they had belief and a huge desire to succeed.

Granted they were probably a bit lucky like most really successful people but you know what they say:

“You make your own luck”

This is so true of people changing their nutrition.  Things don’t go well at first, they cant – it takes time.

You give it a week or two, its not worked and thats it you’ve fell off the wagon.

Patience is key, that and of course knowing what you’re doing.

Here is another review off someones nutrition – I don’t mean this disrespectfully but they don’t know what they’re doing.

Here’s how to fix it though:

Hi Jamie,

Would love your opinion on my eating habits. the following is an average day:

07:15 – wake up
08:15 – cycle to work(12k)
09:00 – 15 breakfast 3 weetabix
10:00 coffee(1 sugar)
10:30 1 banana
11:30 1 apple
13:30 Chicken salad(1 chicken breast, peppers, lettuce, jalapenos)
16:00 wholemeal bagel with 2 bacon
17:00 cycle home

18:30 dinner – varies – steak with  mash potatoes & veg /pork chop with mash potatoes & veg/burger with chips/ chicken/beef stir fry(chicken breast/diced beef, peppers, veg, noodles/rice)
Throughout the evening I usually have a glass of coke, sometimes a packet of crisps a bar of choc or a  cappuccino.
Most days I drink between 1-2 liters of water.

Evening time is the hardest as I tend to pick at whatever is in the press and with 2 children there is quite a lot of sweets.

Breakfast – Please no cereal, pure carbs and wheat a terrible combination for both body composition and performance.  Replace with eggs.

Coffee-Drink better coffee and ditch the sugar, its supposed to be a bit bitter.

Fruit – OK

Salad – OK

Bagel with bacon – Try a better carb source like a sweet potato filled with cottage cheese and some sliced avocado.  They’re you have good carbs, protein and fat.

Dinner – OK

Evening – Obviously ditch the coke and cappucino.  Too much caffeine now will affect sleep quality which will hamper recovery.

Ditch the sweets for you and the kids.

Kids learn from immitation.  If they see you buying and eating sweets they will lead they’re life doing the same.  We all know where that will lead and having a daughter myself, I know I want her to lead a long, healthy life where she is confident with her body image.

Eating sweets now and again is inevitable for kids when they’re with their friends etc  – They need balance for sure.  I am not saying you should never give them to them, otherwise they will grow up craving them too much.


I know people do blame they’re kids for having rubbish in the house and eating that rubbish.

Thats unfair.

They don’t need the sweets and neither do you.

Phew – I think thats what you call a rant!

That last bit might hurt a few people – but, it is the truth as I see it.

I am not one to tell you what you want to hear – whats the point in that?

Hope that helps – if you follow it, then it will.

Jamie  “I am not a perfect parent but trying”  Leighton.

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