Confused on which diet?

imageI am not surprised.

  • Low carb
  • Low fat
  • High protein
  • 5:2
  • Low calorie
  • Raw food
  • Vegan

Its an absolute minefield and I get confused sometimes as well, even though I am confident knowing what I do works.

In my case its because I want to make sure I m not missing something, I am always trying to improve my knowledge, so if there is a better way for me to help people I need to know it.

This week I got approached by another nutritionist telling me that there were some things in my free ebook which weren’t 100% right in his opinion.

It’s a plucky call on his behalf – I didn’t ask for his opinion, I don’t know him, yet he wanted to tell me I could do something better.

Is he right?

Kind of – why?

The book is FREE, it is not made especially for you and your circumstances.

It is written as a guide which will help MOST people and be an improvement on MOST peoples diet but it is not 100% right.

Not 100% right for you!

Thats why in the book I say only my paid up coaching clients get the best of what I have to offer.

Some people think that I do all this for free but I don’t, its my job.

This email and others like it give FREE advice which on the whole is useful but on occasions it might not be relevant to you.

The minority who understand this and are keen for change will then buy my services.

These are the ones who will create real, lasting change to health, body composition and ultimately performance.

If your not one of those people I mention in the sentence above, then please realise that you are looking for a result without investment.

You will also know people who don’t invest are far less likely to achieve.

However if you implement the following advice, you will succeed without doubt regardless of what other diets, other nutritionists, or me says:

Eat only single ingredient foods.

Read that again – write it down even, so you really think about what that means.

Would I tell another professional they had made mistakes?

Definitely not.

I am more bothered about keeping track of what I am doing and learning from people I respect and trust.

What others do is up to them.

What you do is up to you – just don’t blame anyone else and eat single ingredient foods!


If you want to read an article by a guy who talks sense and I trust, who discusses which diet?

Check this short article out:


My favourite breakfast at the moment:

3 egg omelette cooked in 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil
2 handfuls of wilted spinach
50 g feta cheese melted

Jamie “1 ingredient foods” Leighton

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