How I got fat on holiday

imageAs you read this I will be in the south of France with the wife and kids.

If I am honest I find holidays a stressful time, not because of packing or worrying about missing the flight etc but because:

– I hate disruption to my routine
– I am pretty happy with my everyday life
– I hate not being able to train in the same way
– I hate not being in complete control of my nutrition
– I hate being so like this

But, I know how important it is to spend time with my family and actually have a bit of down time.

For some reason part of me sees an enjoyable holiday as one that involves eating a lot, drinking a lot and not doing much.

That part of me though is that part thats told that this is what you should do.

From a young age, were instructed that holidays, a bit like Christmas mean excess food and excessive rest.

The stupid thing is that neither of these things are good for us, they actually make us feel worse and as we know a holiday should do the opposite.

I do though like eating out, having some different foods, having a beer with my lunch and a pain au chocolate for my breakfast.

But, what do I do about the fear of not getting fat?

I struggle, thats what – just like everybody else, especially if you’ve been overweight before like I have.

So this year my plan is to relax, do a bit of training when I want but definitely no set plan and enjoy my time with my family.

The days of late night Pizzas and a crate of Kronenbourg before I go out are behind me – thankfully.

I am still in the adjustment phase though and just like you I am still learning.


Just like you I will make mistakes.


In making those mistakes I will learn more, which can hopefully help you NOT do the same.


I will be posting some you tube clips of my holiday training and some nutritional insights whilst away, so if you want to subscribe to my channel click below:


A french themed Cassoulet – Be sure to swap the sunflower oil for coconut oil:

Jamie”Je regarde le television”Leighton

p.s – thats the only French I remember from school

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