I had good intentions but…..

imageSometimes wanting to do something isn’t enough, even if you do REALLY want it things get in the way.

Usually it’s just life.

And if you’re anything like me that just isn’t a good enough excuse and you end up beating yourself up about the fact that you didn’t get it done.

For me:

I’ve been trying to finish my first book all year, its probably 80% complete.  It is to teach triathletes how to set up their perfect diet and includes loads of recipes.

I think whats done is really good but I cant finish it.

Everyday it is bothering me and that is a waste of energy and I feel guilty.

I’ve had a busy year that’s for sure but sometimes all the positivity on social media and how good everyone else seems to be doing can just get you down.

It always seems like everyone else is doing better.

They perform better, look better and feel better or do they?

We don’t know actually but were probably inclined to believe them and that can make us feel bad.

I’m talking about my business here of course which has been really good but I had an aim and I’ve not done it yet.

Part of me telling you this is to make sure I get it done by the end of the year.

Thats 7000 people who I am accountable to but only one persons opinion really matters and thats mine.

I’ll be sure to let you know when the books done and hopefully it will help me help a lot more people.

In the meantime remember the definition of success by the late great Winston Churchill:

“Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm”

I’ve certainly lost none!

Jamie “I will fight them on the beaches” Leighton

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