Burn fat for fuel

imageSo were at that time of year where you will be doing lots of low intensity mileage building a solid base for next years racing.

This is a great time to get the body into a fat adapted state which basically means burning more fat for fuel.

This also means if you have any body composition goals or the desire to lose some fat, now is the time to do it.

But what do you need to do?

In a nutshell, eat more fat and less carbs.

A lot of people struggle with this for the fear of fat making you fat or worse still, if you’ve followed the news this week giving you cancer, especially from processed meat.

Here is my simple formula and a few meal ideas:


3-4 egg omelette with some cheese and some veggies
Serve a bowl of blueberries afterwards
Also have a cup of ground coffee with a splash of milk or cream but no sugar.


Big salad with a good dose of protein.  Something like a salmon fillet and maybe a little houmous and a dressing of olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
10-20g of 85% dark chocolate afterwards and a cup of green tea


This will likely be after training and be a good time for some carbs to help with recovery.
Something like a big jacket potato a load of vegetable in butter and a steak will be good.
Another bowl of blueberries for pudding or maybe some strawberries and cream.

If you are hungry on that and need some snacks try some carrot sticks in houmous or some beef jerky.  Maybe even a whey protein shake.

The theory with a plan like this is that you will eat very little sugar during the day or before training which will force the body to burn fat for fuel when you do train.

In the long term this means you will be able to train and race for longer without the need for gels etc, which is definitely a good move.

Your health will also benefit as you wont have the same fluctuations in blood sugar and no body wants diabetes.

If you’re worried about eating too much fat or indeed the news in the press that processed meat is bad for you check my video out which explains a lot more on why its not as bad as you think:


Jamie “fat boy” Leighton

p.s – just finished my book – hopefully it will be out just in time for Christmas!

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