Have you got bad genetics?

Unknown-1Some people say that “bad genetics” is just an excuse, that you just need to work harder.

Which people say this?

Yes, the ones with good genes, the ones with the natural advantage.

I’ve worked with hundreds, maybe thousands of athletes over my coaching career and one thing is for sure:

Some people make progress more easily than others.

It’s just fact that some people are able to run faster than others, no matter how much training they do, or how smart they are.

Now, thats not to say that you can’t get faster, most of us never reach out true potential.

And it is this that I believe we should all be striving.

The chances are you won’t get there, mainly because it takes years to figure out how to do it.

It means making mistakes, over and over.

Those mistakes can cost you years.

If I use myself as an example:

I had the most free time and most drive when I was in my early/mid twenties.

I also knew nothing – The irony is at the time I thought I knew everything, I sometimes cringe at what an imbecile I was.

I made mistake after mistake, stumbled from training plan to training plan, diet to diet – looking for the magic pill.

Of course it didn’t exist but I learnt a hell of a lot.

If at that time I could have taken a shortcut to success, I would of without doubt grabbed that opportunity with both hands.

This was nearly 20 years ago though and finding a coach in the Yellow Pages or Telephone Directory wasn’t an option.

The internet was in its infancy.

People can now buy that knowledge from people like me who have made more mistakes than they can count.  Spent more money on training and education than they could afford.

I’ve had to learn the hard way, the slow way.

If I had good genetics I wouldn’t have needed to learn this much, because I would have been performing without this knowledge,

This email then is for the people who struggle.

The ones with not enough time.

The ones who are NOT genetically blessed.

The ones who are trying to juggle too many balls in life and still improve their swim, bike and run.

The ones who love a challenge that most people would think ridiculous.

This is why I created my Nutrition coaching group – The Total Triathlete.


The latest issue of the online magazine goes out on Friday and has:

  • Nutrition tips
  • Strength tips
  • Workout ideas
  • Recipes
  • Coaching tips

And you get access to my private Facebook page where I will personally review your nutrition as often as you post it.

On top of that, on sign up you will get a copy of my book The Triathlete Nutrition Code which basically means your first month is FREE.

It costs £10/$14 ish a month and you can unsubscribe any time.

So if you have bad genes, are struggling for ideas or time or just generally need some support – Get involved:


Jamie “wish I was a natural” Leighton

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