Believe in yourself

Unknown-1As a triathlete you will have no doubt set upon many google searches.

Looking for the best training programme, best kit and best nutrition plans.

Knowledge after all is power…….. but is it really?

I think that nowadays knowledge can actually be quite disabling – you know what to do but you just can’t do it.

This can actually make a person feel quite inadequate, especially when there are pictures and stories of so many successful people on social media, just to put a final nail in!

For me the missing ingredient is BELIEF in yourself.

Without the belief that you can achieve something, how can you?


I don’t mean whimsical belief – the sort you forget the next day.

I mean true, solid, unstoppable belief in yourself and achieving your goals.

Some people have this more than others but I do think you can learn it.

If you have this belief in yourself then you will take action – every single day towards your goal.

That action then translates in to the realisation of your goals.

It really is that simple:

  • Belief
  • Action
  • Achievement

So how do you learn it?


By definition the word practice also means getting it wrong and learning.

This is why writing down your goals can help.

It acts as a daily reminder to stay on track.

To actually write down that goal implies belief in yourself – then having it visible will help.

That and or having constant reminder about what you want and why you deserve it.

I guess that is one of the reasons why my private facebook group – The Total Triathlete is growing.

Today is weigh in day and there is success and some disappointment.

The disappointment though is always because of a reason – usually an outside influence like illness or work stressors.

Having other people offering you the reassurance and support that it can’t always be perfect, gives the members a far greater chance of long term success.

They have other people to offer a reasonable explanation as to why things haven’t gone as well as hoped.

This means they keep their BELIEF in themselves, continue to take action and hence achieve their target.

All for £10/$14  (approx) a month and you get a FEEE copy of my book on sign up which makes your first month FREE.

Get involved:

Jamie “believe” Leighton

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