Out of control!

Unknown-2Managing everything can be tough – we all know that.

But what do you do on weeks when your usual training routine goes out of the window?

When you just can’t fit it in.

I bet I know……..

I bet your nutrition goes down the pan as well.

You hear people say all the time that nutrition is more important than exercise when it come to body composition and I would agree.


I know if I don’t train for one reason or another my diet is likely to go off.


It’s the focus that routine and exercise gives us.

When we train regularly, we feel better (most of the time).

It makes us feel like we want to look after ourselves a bit better – well it does me.

I’m sure there are some of you who just think you can get away with eating what you like because you train – You can’t, even if its not making you fat, you will be doing damage somewhere – in fact its safer if you’re getting fat!

So arguably training is actually more important than nutrition.

Because, it keeps you on track.

It makes you want to look after yourself.

And after all, that motivation is key, without that nothing matters at all.

Certainly not whether you are eating too many carbs or not.

My conclusion is then that for me and I know many of you, exercise is actually more important than nutrition.

Nutrition though is the bit that can make the difference between doing OK and doing Awesome.

Which do you want?

I hope you answered right!

There are more new members in The Total Triathlete this week.


My private coaching group which supports your nutritional needs all for £10( $14 approx) a month.

A little help can sometimes be all that’s missing – so check it out if you are struggling.


Jamie “Train well – Eat well” Leighton

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