
UnknownI think we all look forward to a taper into our “A” race.

Feeling fresh for a change.

It’s a dangerous time though with regards nutrition, a reduction in energy expenditure can leave you feeling heavy on race day.

So what do you do?

Well, you want to have full energy stores whatever race distance you are doing but I feel that you also want to feel light and lively, not heavy and bloated.

I used to make the mistake of just eating as much as possible leading into a race.

Infarct I remember a time about 15 years ago when I bought a Lemon Meringue Pie and demolished the lot on the morning of a race!

Someone had told me meringue was good for you!

What an imbecile I was……….

As I’ve eluded to in a previous email, I do believe you want to gradually increase your carb intake on the days leading up to a race.

However, when tapering you must take into account the reduction in energy.

What then matters is the length of your taper?

If it is 2 weeks and you continue with your normal calories but are expending an average of 200 cals less per day, then you will add some fat before the race.

Not Good!

Unfortunately everyones circumstances are slightly different.

Weight, length of event, length of taper etc etc.

If you are struggling then it is worth checking out my private coaching group – The Total Triathlete:


Each week I do a live Q&A which is recorded and I will answer all of your questions.

On top of that you get a FREE copy of my book.

A monthly email with S&C advice, workout ideas, a coaching section from Kelly – a sub 2:45 marathoner and she’s a girl!

It’s £10 a month ($14 approx) and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.

It’s race season and getting your nutrition right now could quite simply be the difference between you achieving your potential or NOT.

I don’t like living a life in which I have regrets, do you?

Don’t look back in a couple of months and wish you had done something about your diet, just do it now!

Procrastination is paralysing, action is enlightening.

I just made that up by the way!

Sign up below:


Jamie “No regrets” Leighton.

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