A race nutrition

UnknownOn a lot of the forums I’ve noticed people are scheduling in their BIG race for next year.

With the growing popularity of the “Ironman” brand, it looks like more and more are opting for the 70.3, or 140.6.

Whether thats you, or you are targeting your local pool based sprint, there are a few things nutritionally that you can start to get in order.

The number one for me, especially over these longer distances is trying to make your body as efficient as possible at burning energy – no body wants to bonk 10 miles in to the marathon of their Ironman.

But yes, it does happen.

So, training the body to be efficient is worth doing but efficiency can also mean finding it hard to lose weight.

If you are efficient your body will burn calories slower and hence you will need a further stimulus, either more training or less calories.

Neither of which are particularly appealing.

The other way is to teach your body to be more inclined to use the fat you eat and store, as fuel for training and racing.

You cannot just do this overnight.

In fact in my opinion, the longer you take over this process, the less painful it will be but also it will work better for you.

So if you have fat to lose, or you just want to get the absolute best out of yourself on race day, you need to start now.

Even if that race isn’t until August next year.

Actually the further in the distance the race is, the better so you can really get things dialled in.

To do this you will need a good plan.

You will also need support and accountability.

Both of which are available in the private coaching group – The Total Triathlete:

The Total Triathlete

On sign up you will get:

A copy of my E-book worth £9.99 making your first month FREE and access to the private facebbok page.

Each month you will get:

A E-magazine with recipes, S&C programme, Coaching section etc etc.

Each week though you will get:

A meal plan, Q&A, etc etc.

Each day you will get:

The chance to post your food and ask questions about absolutely anything.

More than anything this is done in a supportive environment with like minded people on the same journey.

Triathletes like you, who need to balance losing fat and training hard and that IS NOT EASY!

It’s £10 a month (12 USD ish) and you can unsubscribe any time.

The Total Triathlete

Jamie ‘In it together” Leighton

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