Don’t make this stupid mistake

Unknown-1What is it?

Eating too many carbs?

Not eating enough carbs?

Eating too many calories?

Not eating enough?

Training too much?

Not training enough?

None of the above?

Of course all of the above could be the reason you’re not losing the fat, or…..

It could simply be lack of patience.

Giving up before the magic starts to happen.

I once saw a quote along these lines:

“Those who give up, will never truly know how close they came to success”

It could literally be next week.

For most people on the fat loss journey they judge themselves purely by the scales and as soon as they don’t move, or worse still move in the wrong direction – panic sets in.

“Why is this not working?”

Truth is that there are so many variables which effect weight, that it could be working, its just the scales don’t agree that day, that time.

The thing is that when this happens, we tend to derail.

“Whats the point in making these sacrifices when things aren’t working anyway.”

“I might as well go back to the old ways.”

But what if you’d stuck at it another day or two and weighed yourself – the scales could have moved in the right direction and your mindset would be completely different.

“YES, this is working”

And that makes you want more.

It’s why we can’t always trust our own judgement, we can be too emotional.

I’ve done this an awful lot in the past and it is destructive.

If you are this sort of person, you need a voice of reason.

You need a coach.

The cost is often the excuse as to why you don’t.

This is why I created my Private Coaching Group – The Total Triathlete:

The Total Triathlete

It’s only £10 a month (12 USD ish) – unsubscribe any time.

Tomorrow we start our two week blast, designed to kickstart your fat loss journey this year.

Designed to make sure you get the results you want, no question.

You get a meal plan.

You get access to the private Facebook page where you can share your struggles, your thoughts and ask me any questions you like.

It gives you accountability but also a voice of reason from someone who understands.

From someone who has been involved in endurance sport for over 20 years.

For someone who lost 3 stone.

From someone who has spent thousands of pounds and many years learning how to help athletes with their nutrition.

It really is a no brainer, unless of course you want to stay as you are?

The Total Triathlete

Jamie “No Excuses” Leighton

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