My bad weekend

UnknownAs you know it’s my job to coach people.

To provide them with nutritional plans to help them perform better, feel better, look better and most often get leaner.

It’s a business I’ve been involved in for a long time but that doesn’t mean I don’t have my own challenges.

This weekend was one such example.

I was out on Friday with friends – I drank about 6 pints of beer, ate fish and chips and as with us all, was starving on the way home.

The next day I felt rough with an insatiable hunger – I did everything I could to satisfy it but I just needed more.

Sunday was my wifes birthday and a day of child free fun.

We ate cake, went out for dinner and drank wine.

My usual calorie intake is roughly 2200-2500 a day, yet on each of these days I was well in excess of 3000 with no training!

It’s rare for me to have a weekend like this and it was great fun but some repair work is needed this week, so what should I do?
Eat more fruit and vegetables 8-10 portions a day
Eat less carbs – only in my pre and post training meals
Walk at least my 10,000 steps along with normal training
Sleep more
NOT try and out train my bad diet – my body needs love, not more punishment
Working in this field people so often assume that you are whiter than white and some are – at least thats what they’d have you believe.

The fact is, that life happens and for so many of us food and drink are part of socialising and having a good time.

Keeping relationships strong, which in turn make us happier people.

I also belief that living like a monk does NOT make the best coach.

For me to help you, I have to understand the challenges you have.

Thats not an excuse for me to eat terribly and get drunk all the time but my clients are NOT saints, otherwise they would not need my help.

If I was a saint, I wouldn’t be able to help them either!

Its why my Private Coaching Group The Total Triathlete is growing month by month:

The Total Triathlete

Its a community of people looking to lose fat, to improve their triathlon goals.

People who need to ask questions once in a while.

To get answers from people who understand.

To know what it’s like to struggle.

To want to better themselves.

And all for £10 a month (12 USD ish).

You get a FREE copy of my book on sign up.

You get to ask me as many questions as you like.

I will critique your diet.

I will advise on your race day prep and nutrition.

Thats one hell of a bargain!

Check it out:

The Total Triathlete

Jamie “feeling fat” Leighton.

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