Foods that burn fat

Can the type of food that you eat actually help you to burn fat?

Strictly speaking – No.

However there are certain foods which will allow you to burn fat more successfully than others.

You see, when were looking to get lean we need to control two things. Our calorie intake and our hormones.

If we manage to get these two things in check and working together, than fat loss is pretty easy.

So first things first we need to create a calorie deficit – meaning eat less than we burn.

The problem here is that most triathletes are too aggressive with this. They usually begin at the start of a week – usually after a bad weekend and restrict calories massively.

This works for a few days and makes you feel better about the weekends excesses.

But by Thursday, energy is low and hunger high – calories go up, a lot!

Essentially making the “good” few days a waste of time.

This cycle continues:

Weekend binge
Mon/Tue/Wed – starve
Thur/Fri – low energy
Weekend binge etc etc

So calories are not controlled and a deficit not achieved – clearly this needs addressing.

A good method can be to cycle the amount of calories you eat on different days – meaning more on some and less on others.

But in a planned, controlled way.

You know exactly how many calories you will eat on which day in advance.

You plan the week, in the same way you would plan that weeks training.

It’s something I have done with members of my private coaching group – The Total Triathlete:

The Total Triathlete

They give me their weeks training plan.

I then match their nutrition, specifically calories to this.

They ask questions, we make tweeks and they lose fat, all without energy loss.

Meaning performance gets better not worse, which is the point of this, isn’t it?

When you join , you also get a FREE copy of my E-book, which teaches you more on diet set up and has tasty, nutritious, fat loss promoting recipes.

It also talks more about how to get your hormones in check.

All this for £10 a month ($12 ish)

Join now:

The Total Triathlete

Jamie “nutrition plan” Leighton

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