Increase energy levels

I remember when I started raining hard, I had a vision.

A vision of fitness and what that would feel like.

I thought I would feel good all the time.

I thought I would be lean and toned.

I thought I would be able to eat what I liked and not gain fat.

It was something to aspire to, a place where I thought I would be happier.

Then I got there and I realised that when you train hard, you will feel tired some of the time.

And you definitely won’t be able to get away with eating what you want, not if you want to stay lean and toned anyway!

Feeling tired though can be managed and to truly get the most from yourself and your training it NEEDS to be managed.

Otherwise lack of energy leads to low quality training and even skipped training.

And as we all know that does NOT lead to progress, either with our fitness or body composition goals.

Nutrition and quality sleep are the biggest factor here without doubt.

When I work with someone one to one, apart from fat loss my clients always report feeling better.

They are simply fuelling their sessions better but also eating the right things at the right time in the right quantities, to optimise their recovery.

To be clear that does NOT mean taking on board lots of brightly packeted concoctions!

Gels, sports drinks and bars are mostly removed and replaced with far better and still convenient alternatives.

This is something I help with in my Private Coaching Group – The Total Triathlete:

The Total Triathlete

Firstly you give me your current diet and I review it.

Tell you where you can make changes to help drop some fat.

Tell you what to eat and when to give you more energy to train better.

On sign up, you will also get a FREE copy of my book (worth £9.99/$12)

If you need to drop fat and improve energy levels this group is going to help.

The Total Triathlete

Jamie “Energy Boost” Leighton

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