Weekend Nutrition

There is a general theme in the Developed world which goes something like this:

During the week, eat relatively well and at the weekend………

Well, DON’T!

This is a recipe for disaster when it comes to body composition and performance goals, for two reasons:
The weekend’s excesses are often so significant they are enough to NOT put you in a calorie deficit, despite how good you were in the week or how long your bike ride was at the weekend.
Weekend binging often means, excess alcohol and calorie dense, nutrient non dense foods. Both affect sleep and recovery which add some stress to your endocrine system (hormones), which can in turn make it harder to lose weight.
I get it though.

You work hard all week and essentially live a life of restriction, so when Friday night comes you just want to let go.

Is there a solution?

Of course there is and it comes in the form of balance.

In this case it means eating foods and meals during the weeks which you enjoy, which can feel like a treat but are still actually going to help you lose some fat.

Foods which are nutrient dense and energy non dense.

Foods which mean you do NOT need to have a blow out come Friday.

Does this exist?

For sure.

You just need to know what to do and what to eat.

When you join my private coaching group – The Total Triathlete, you receive a FREE copy of my E-Book which teaches you how to setup your own nutrition plan.

With food which is tasty, nourishing and leaves you full.

Because I know thats not enough, I am also offering all new members a meal plan which shows you just how to put things into practice.

I will help you figure out your calorie goals based on your training and goals, through the private Facebook group.

If you’re not happy with where your performance or body composition is, join now:

The Total Triathlete

Jamie “very tasty” Leighton

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