Are your genes to blame?

There is absolutely no doubt that genetics play a part in both performance and body composition.

We all know that person who eats what they like but stays lean, right?

The person who doesn’t run for 3 months but then can still run quicker than us when they get back to training.

It is quite frankly just annoying!

The thing is, it is irrelevant.

You are who you are and I am who I am.

What though is relevant is finding the best training and nutrition protocols for you.

You see, for some people, a higher carb diet will improve their body composition and performance.

Whilst others will thrive on a high-fat approach.

Sadly there is NOT a right way but there IS a right way for YOU – you just need to find it.

There are some quite simple tests you can do to determine which approach is likely best to work for you.

The first is to determine your body type – the technical term being your somatotype.

This basically refers to your build and how this will influence your nutrition and to some extent your training.

Some of us will fit very neatly into one “type”, for others it is hazier.

For example, if you are an Endomorph (shot putter type), there is a greater chance you will thrive on a lower carb approach.

Not sure what you are?

It’s something I can help with in my private coaching group – The Total Triathlete:

The Total Triathlete

On sign up, you get a copy of my E-Book which has a whole chapter on eating for your body type.

You can then post any questions in the private Facebook group.

Anything you like:
How many calories
How many carbs
What food when
Post your training plan and let me match your nutrition to it.
All for £10 a month which is roughly $13 US.

There is no better time than the start of a new week:

The Total Triathlete

Jamie “eat for you” Leighton

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