Should you train harder?

I know most triathletes have now finished their race season.

That often means it is a time for reflection:
What could you do better?
How can you make more use of your time?
Should you even bother?
Is it worth it?
Could you do more?
Over the years I have asked myself these questions many a time but as I have got older it’s not that simple.

I want and need to see my kids.

I want to spend time with my wife.

I have a business to run.

Quite simply it’s not just about training and unless you are a pro or 19, it is unlikely all about training for you.

You have to fit things in – juggle lots of balls.

I don’t know whether you could train harder but I do know that most people can be smarter and that means no more time lost to more sessions.

Sometimes, that is time saved and even money.

Areas to focus on if time is an issue are in my opinion:
Quality training rather than quantity
Better recovery strategies
Improved nutrition
It is not my job to help you with the quality of your training but I can help you with your recovery, which will make your next session of a higher quality.

I can also help with your nutrition which in turn will aid your recovery.

I can help you lose that bit extra fat which is slowing you down – you don’t need more training for that!

I can help you plan your nutrition so it is optimal for you.

I can teach you what to eat and when.

All in my private coaching group – The Total Triathlete:

The Total Triathlete

And only for £10 a month (Around 13 USD)

On sign up, you gain access to me via our private Facebook group, where I will personally review your current nutrition.

You also receive a copy of my E-Book.

Most people though will NOT take up this service.

They will just do exactly the same thing that they did last year and guess what?

They will be sat here next October asking the same questions.

So join now and let’s get things sorted:

The Total Triathlete

Jamie “Time Saver” Leighton

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