Best breakfast for Triathlete’s

The breakfast choice of endurance athletes since the dawn of time has been porridge.

This low GI carb dense option has been considered the best choice, due mainly to its energy density.

You can make it with water or milk, maybe even a bit of both.

You can add a little jam or honey.

Whatever you do, it is likely only adding extra carbohydrate.

Something to consider though is that breakfast like any other meal of the day should NOT just be made up of one macronutrient.

For most people, aiming to eat a portion of protein, carbs and fat with each meal is a good starting point.

So porridge may be an option but you need some fat and protein as well, so for example:

Have a couple of scrambled eggs on the side or a protein shake made with full fat milk.

Alternatively, it is worth considering a fat and protein dominant breakfast.

This does depend on how and when you train and your goals.

Let’s say for example you train in the evening, are sedentary most of the day and want to lose some fat.

In this case, consuming carbs in the morning is likely not your best bet.

Carbs will not fill you up as much and hence by 11 you are more likely to eat again.

This is due mainly to the greater fluctuations in blood sugar and the subsequent appetite triggers you will get.

Like with everything, whilst this may work for one person it may not for another and the only way of knowing is to try.

Remember Einstein’s definition of insanity:

“Insanity-Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”

So if you eat porridge for breakfast every day and have done forever but you need to lose some fat……….

Well, you know what you should do.

Jamie “Sane in the brain” Leighton

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