Tired by Thursday?

Training for Triathlon is nonlinear.

Improvement does not progress at a constant, predictable rate.

There are good days and days where you just feel knackered.

This is of course partly a response to the training you’ve done and cumulative fatigue but it can also be as a result of calorie mismanagement.

You see, for most people, they starve themselves during the week and then binge at the weekend.

All that energy that they eat on Friday night, Saturday and Sunday actually mean’s they start the week with plenty of fuel.

But because of the guilt of overeating at the weekend and of course the desire to lose some fat, we then drastically reduce calories from Monday to Friday afternoon.

Sound familiar?

16,000 Triathletes read this so I’m guessing for at least a few of you, that is true.

What to do instead?

Ideally spread the calories evenly through the week.

The problem with this is that socialising usually happens at the weekend which makes the even spread tricky.

In which case you need to choose from the following options:

Calorie cycling
Fast days

Both of the above are a way of managing and balancing calorie intake.

Knowing when to do what is, of course, the skill and basically revolves around your training.

If that’s something you need help with, take a look at my Private Coaching Group – The Total Triathlete:

The Total Triathlete

On sign up, you gain access to the Private Facebook Page.

Here you can post your training and your goals and I will set up your calories for you.

When to eat what.

What to do if you are going to have a heavy weekend.

How to stop feeling tired by Thursday.

Oh, and on sign up you get a copy of my E-book which is usually sold for £9.99.

It’s only £10 a month or $13 and you can leave any time:

The Total Triathlete

Jamie “calorie manipulator” Leighton

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