Running in the snow

Here in the UK, we have had a little snow over the last few days.

It is rather timely as Christmas approaches and I am generally a fan of it but………

What really makes me mad, is how people use it as an excuse NOT to do something.

I don’t mean getting out on your bike on icy roads, or running up hills in the snow slipping and a sliding – that probably is a bit daft.

Especially when there is a perfectly good treadmill and turbo on offer, which makes training safer if not a little more boring.

It is the fact that the general population is so soft!

Schools are closing.

People are not going to work.

All because they feel they have a justifiable excuse.

Which takes me to my next point:

If a human does NOT want to do something they will easily find a perfectly good reason why not to.

Losing fat is a classic for this.

“I can’t lose fat – it’s my genetics”

“I am big boned”

“Somebody bought me this massive box of chocolates so I ate them – it’s not my fault”

Maybe harsh but definitely true.

The same can be said for training:

Missing the tough interval sessions because, well they’re tough!!

Not practicing open water swimming before your race because you don’t like it!!

Going to spinning classes instead of doing the hard yards on the turbo!!

Let me clarify, I have absolutely no problem with people taking the easy route but as a wise man once said (Not me):

“Nothing worth having, lies at the end of the road of least resistance”

And let me tell you something else, I know because I’ve tried.

I tried to lose weight without cutting calories.

I tried to improve fitness with minimal training and only doing the sessions I liked and…………

No, it didn’t work.

That’s not to say you must suffer daily but there has to be some hardship if you want to get the true benefits of what this sport has to offer.

Rant Over!!

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