Different day, different calories

Unless you are a bit daft, you probably don’t do exactly the same training each day.

In fact, you probably don’t just repeat the same sessions each week.

There will be some level of programming and periodisation to your plan.

Granted, nutrition does not work in exactly the same way BUT I do think that consuming exactly the same amount of calories each day is a bit unrealistic.

You should know roughly how many calories you require each day.

If you don’t, this is an important number in your progress and you need to know it.

As, if not more important than your FTP, minute mile pace, max HR or CSS.

All of the above measure your progress and are then used to set training pace etc.

Your daily caloric needs are important because it is those calories which will fuel those sessions, help you recover (or not) and determine your levels of leanness.

So get to know your calories.

Then it is simply a matter of matching those calories to your daily training.

For example:

Let’s say you need 2500 calories a day to maintain weight.

On a day you don’t train, 2500 will be enough.

On a day you do a brick session lasting roughly 4 hours, 2500 will not be enough.

But how much much will be enough??

There is no exact science to this but there are very good guides and formulas out there.

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