Do you want to tone up?



imageIt’s pretty much what everyone wants isn’t it?

For the dieting triathlete though this is often a massive concern.

Sometimes they can feel like they’re wasting away.

If you’ve ever lost a lot of weight you’ll have worried about this.

I remember people saying to me:

“Don’t lose anymore”

I wasn’t sure whether they were jealous, concerned or just didn’t like the new me.

The point is though that often when people do lose weight or do a vast volume of training they can lose too much muscle.

That means they become weak and can have empty sacks of skin on their body which don’t look very good.

They can become what we call – “Skinny Fat”

It’s not a good look!

Aside this, keeping your muscle is critical to keeping your performance.

It will protect you from injury and generally make you more robust.

Yesterday I spoke to Roy, he’s in his sixties and a very competitive triathlete.

His performance is currently very good but he had noticed he was losing strength and muscle.

He felt weaker on the hills and didn’t like the way his body was looking – he’s also suffered a few niggles which need to be sorted.

Here’s what we did:

Drew up a strength programme which he will complete twice a week alongside his triathlon training.

Yes, he has the luxury of time but with that comes the disadvantage of age.

The programme will focus on working every muscle in his body starting with his legs.  He will then move on to upper body and some core for a total of 7 exercises.

The session will last about 40 minutes.

Alongside this I have advised him to up his protein content, especially around training to help with his recovery.

If you’re worried about either injury, how you look or the worry of wasting away you should definitely consider doing some strength and conditioning work.

It just so happens that I am offering this so if you need help, follow the link:

The programme is specific to you and involves a thorough assessment which could really aid your performance, keep you healthy and your other half won’t be able to keep their hands off you!


Yes this is me being a bit of a fool but there is a genuine point as well:


An easy yet tasty dinner this week:

1 pork loin
pama ham
sweet potato

– Wrap the pork in the ham and roast in the oven.
– Steam the potato and kale and mash together adding a little butter

Thats it!!

Jamie “Schwarzenegger” Leighton

It’s pretty much what everyone wants isn’t it?

For the dieting triathlete though this is often a massive concern.

Sometimes they can feel like they’re wasting away.

If you’ve ever lost a lot of weight you’ll have worried about this.

I remember people saying to me:

“Don’t lose anymore”

I wasn’t sure whether they were jealous, concerned or just didn’t like the new me.

The point is though that often when people do lose weight or do a vast volume of training they can lose too much muscle.

That means they become weak and can have empty sacks of skin on their body which don’t look very good.

They can become what we call – “Skinny Fat”

It’s not a good look!

Aside this, keeping your muscle is critical to keeping your performance.

It will protect you from injury and generally make you more robust.

Yesterday I spoke to Roy, he’s in his sixties and a very competitive triathlete.

His performance is currently very good but he had noticed he was losing strength and muscle.

He felt weaker on the hills and didn’t like the way his body was looking – he’s also suffered a few niggles which need to be sorted.

Here’s what we did:

Drew up a strength programme which he will complete twice a week alongside his triathlon training.

Yes, he has the luxury of time but with that comes the disadvantage of age.

The programme will focus on working every muscle in his body starting with his legs.  He will then move on to upper body and some core for a total of 7 exercises.

The session will last about 40 minutes.

Alongside this I have advised him to up his protein content, especially around training to help with his recovery.

If you’re worried about either injury, how you look or the worry of wasting away you should definitely consider doing some strength and conditioning work.

It just so happens that I am offering this so if you need help, follow the link:

The programme is specific to you and involves a thorough assessment which could really aid your performance, keep you healthy and your other half won’t be able to keep their hands off you!


Yes this is me being a bit of a fool but there is a genuine point as well:


An easy yet tasty dinner this week:

1 pork loin
pama ham
sweet potato

– Wrap the pork in the ham and roast in the oven.
– Steam the potato and kale and mash together adding a little butter

Thats it!!

Jamie “Schwarzenegger” Leighton

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