I officially quit!

Unknown-1Sometimes things can all seem like a massive waste of time.

You work really hard on something – maybe a really solid block of training.

Then you get ill or injured, it feels like you’ve taken one step forward and two back.

Nothing is less motivating.

Although we all have our differences we have significant similarities too.  Similarities like we need to see progress to stay focused.  That maybe scale weight going down, or it might be seeing our garmin getting quicker for the same effort.

I’m no different!

So over Christmas I decided to quit.

I’d had enough.

Enough of not focusing 100%.

Enough of not getting exactly what I wanted.

I decided to quit procrastinating.

For me that procrastination has been whether to base my whole business online or carry on with a bit of both.

The bit of both is safe you see.

But I know that when I’ve really achieved things in my life it’s because I’ve been prepared to make myself uncomfortable.

It scares me and that fear lights a fire under my arse!

For you, it’s likely something completely different.

It may be training, fat loss or a change you need in your professional life.

I’m not telling you to do the same as me, you may not be ready to take the risk – it’s not for everyone.

If your thing has been a desire to change your nutrition and let’s face it a lot of people are on a diet in January then I have just the thing for you.

Well two things actually:

The first – My new E-book “The Triathlete Nutrition Code”

It basically talks you through how to setup your own diet.

Figure out your macro nutrients.

Figure out your calories

Teach you how to fix your metabolism and if you’ve ever dieted it’s probably broken.

It’s a 70 page book which contains recipes as well and I think it’s bloody good.

Hit the link and get your copy:


As for the second thing, you will have to wait until next week for that.

Jamie “happy new year” Leighton

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