Lose fat like this.

UnknownHow any times have I heard people say:

“Losing fat isn’t rocket science”


“I know what to do, I just don’t do it”

Some of you will have said this yourself.

So let me tell you something:

Losing fat is NOT rocket science but it is NOT easy – otherwise how would I and so many others have managed to make a business out of helping people do it?


If you know what to do but just don’t do it, then the main problem is likely that you just can’t stick to a plan.

So what would I suggest?

First and foremost educate yourself around a way of eating that interests you.  If you can get your brain on board your chances of success will vastly increase.

Thats why diets have concepts, like the 5:2 or Weight Watchers.

It’s not really that they are a better diet, its just the idea that is appealing.

Both of the above also have an element of accountability which helps.

One problem for people nowadays is that there is too much choice and it’s hard to know whats best for ME.  

Unfortunately no-one can really answer that other than YOU.

Unless of course you hire a nutritionist.

Do not though fall in to the trap of buying a off the shelf book for the general public or recreational gym goer.  Those books will likely be too low calorie/carb – they are certainly not designed for the endurance athlete.

You may lose weight but your performance will likely go down the swanny!

So, if you’re stuck for ideas get my E-book.

The Triathlon Nutrition Code – This is written for athletes like you and like me.


That will give you all the knowledge you need to get you where you want to be and without losing performance in the process.

After all what is the point in being 1 stone lighter if you’re running speed has dropped because you keep running out of energy?

So if you fall in to the I know what to do but just don’t do it category – that means you need direction and support.

The sort of support I give in my private membership group The Total Triathlete:


I’ve also decided that from now on when you join the group, you will get a copy of my book which means that your first month is effectively FREE.

If then you’ve decided its not for you, just unsubscibre and you’ve lost nothing and you’ve got the book.

If however you are already happy with where you are and what you have – basically your nutrition is spot on and you have all the knowledge you need………….

Well, you’ve just read this email haven’t you???

Jamie “get a plan” Leighton

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