Do you count calories?

Unknown-1It’s easier than ever to do this with apps like my fitness pal.

The main benefit for me is that it educates us around how many calories are in what foods and drinks.

It also gives us a degree of accountability albeit to ourselves and our phones.

The fact is though that counting calories only really matters when you are looking to really nail the detail of your nutrition.

There is no point if there is loads of things wrong.

It would be a bit like buying an aero helmet and skin suit, then trying to do a time trial on an old shopping bike.

Get the right bike first, the helmet and suit can come next.

So what matters more than counting calories?

The type and quality of the food you eat.

I will use myself as an example.

I used to be fat and now I am not.

I used to eat processed rubbish and consume too much sugar and despite an awful lot of training I was still fatter than I’d like to have been.

I now train 4 times a week, eat mainly whole, good quality foods, don’t have much sugar and perhaps only eat what others consider not perfectly, one a week.

Does that sound boring?

Well that depends on what you think good quality, whole foods are.

I love eating, so if my meals weren’t tasty and satisfying I would be reaching for some crap.

The food you eat has to satisfy you and for most people they have to enjoy it.

After all it is a pleasure, especially when you train hard.

There was a time when people thought that if you were on a diet that meant boring and bland food.

Rabbit food anyone?

Not anymore.

That’s why I wrote my book – The Triathlete Nutrition Code

It’s full of tasty recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

There are snacks, liquid meals and even sweet treats.

It’s written for athletes, not your regular Joe and it explains how to set up the perfect diet for you.

Hundreds have been sold in a few months which I am very proud of.

Check it out here:

Jamie “Don’t go hungry” Leighton

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