Is coffee really that bad?

Unknown-3I suppose like everything coffee is OK in the right quantities but is there a better time to enjoy a cup?

Caffeine is obviously a stimulant which can be helpful but also problematic.

Why is it a problem?

One of the main reasons for the athlete is that we are very often over stimulated as it is.

Trying to fit in training, whilst managing a job and families……

Oh and trying to get enough sleep!

This excessive stimulation creates stress.

Too much stress over time effects our bodies negatively.

It stops us recovering and repairing properly and in turn makes us more susceptible to illness and injury – This of course will prevent us from making the physiological gains we want.

On the contrary, caffeine can help us when we are feeling tired or under stimulated, hence one of the reasons people take it pre or during an event.

My opinion would be that 1-2 cups of good coffee a day is OK.

Ideally one would be first thing in the morning and or before your toughest training session of the day.

You could also factor coffee into your pre race routine, a cup of black with a little coconut oil works well.

I would however NOT suggest coffee after training, especially if it was long or particularly tough.

Mainly, this is because our cortisol levels are high post training.

If you didn’t know, cortisol is a stress hormone which can hinder fat loss.

If then you take in caffeine after hard exercise, you will add extra stress and therefore risk extra cortisol secretion, NOT GOOD!

But what if you want a hot drink?

Tea is better.

Green Tea is better still.

Yes, both still have caffeine.  Green tea though is known to have some positive effects on body composition and fat loss, hence if this is your goal would be the preference.

Ideally though don’t have caffeine in the post exercise window and instead focus more on good quality carbs and some protein.

This could be liquid or solid.

If your looking for some good liquid options or just need to know what are the best carb sources post training then check out my book:

The Triathlete Nutrition Code:

It tells you which carbs to eat when and what to avoid or limit.

It tells you how to work on managing your stress better and hence reduce cortisol.

Particularly important if you are running from one thing to the next and are trying to lose fat as well – sound familiar?

Check out the book and follow the really simple guidelines on how to reduce stress, improve sleep and get your diet right.

There is no time like the present:

Jamie “Cappuccino” Leighton

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