Train hard and eat what you like

UnknownI have had this conversation with people so often from various standpoints.

Those who say:

“I train really hard, why CAN’T I eat what I like?”

And those who say:

“I train really hard so I CAN eat what I want”

I guess it’s a matter of perspective and also aims.

My opinion is this:

If you train really hard and don’t care about your nutrition, you are likely NOT to be as good an athlete as you could be.

Depending on your genetics, you may still be lean.

This leanness though doesn’t necessarily imply that your performance, or health are optimal.

I’ve raced people with awesome physiques who are slow and I’ve raced people with awesome physiques who are fast.

If though you are somebody who is in the middle, someone who looks ok and performs ok, you are the ones who nutrition becomes more important.

If you could be 7pounds or 17 pounds lighter and that loss of weight doesn’t impair your training, then you will be faster.

If you can lose that fat without losing any muscle, then even better – why?

Well you will look a damn sight better as well as being faster.

So whats the key?

Eating nutritious food which is tasty and satisfies you without leaving you wanting to reach for a pack of biscuits (cookies for my US audience), to leave you full.

Because of the training you do, your nutritional requirements are different, they are higher, you need more.

Specifically you need more good stuff.

Very often when you reach for the biscuits it’s because you need more and your brain doesn’t distinguish very well between good and bad.

That’s why you need a plan, that’s why people hire me as a coach.

Unfortunately there are only so many hours in a day and I can’t work with anymore clients at the moment.

That’s what I wrote my book – The Triathlete Nutrition Code:

It teaches you how to do it yourself.

How to set up the perfect diet for you and you genetics.

It tells you how many calories to eat and what sort.

It tells you whether your body type should be low carb or not.

When and what types of carbs to consume.

And best of all:

There are loads of recipes which leave you satisfied and NOT reaching for the cookie jar.

Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinners, Snacks, and even something for afters!

Oh and even better, it’s only £9.99 ($14 approx)

Get it now:

Jamie “Eat as much of that stuff as you like” Leighton

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