Fat after holidays?

imagesTriathletes are a funny breed.

I mean why would anyone even consider running a marathon after 2 miles in a cloudy lake and then a hellish bike ride!

I guess by nature we are slightly extreme.

Whilst that might be good for sport and other aspects of our lives, it can be less good for our nutrition, especially our nutrition on holiday.

I AM TERRIBLE at this……..

I got back from 3 weeks in France on Monday and I ate a lot.

I also drank a lot.

I also did do some training.

The pool where I was staying though was only six metres long!

I weighed myself on Tuesday and in the 3 weeks I had put on 3 pounds – not as bad as I thought.

I actually felt fatter than this.

Now a few days later I am already 1.5 pounds lighter.

You see most of that added weight was water and glycogen and having trained for a few days and ate more normally, I am getting back to where I was.

I know in the past though that I have come back from holiday a lot worse off than this – that was though when I knew less about nutrition.

Now, whilst I ate and drank a lot on holiday, I did still keep an eye on things because I don’t like getting fat.

The problem with holidays is though that people will put on some weight and then lose some after but they don’t usually lose as much as they gained.

Over the years that can mean a slow steady gain in weight without you even realising.

Tight jeans anyone?

When I work with someone I always ask what they would like to weigh.

If someone struggles with the answer, I ask what they weighed when they were 20?

That’s often when we were at our leanest.

Still active, not given our bodies years of abuse and young.

For me I weigh less now than when I was 20 but thats because I was a slob then and knew nothing of the power of nutrition and training.

Like with everything, getting back to your race weight is down to motivation but more so knowledge.

If you know what to do and have some tasty recipes to look forward to eating you will be fine.

That is why I wrote my E book – The Triathlete Nutrition Code:


It teaches you how to eat for you.

For your body type.

For your circumstances.

And it’s for the athlete, not just a “normal” person!

Better still it is full of recipes that the whole family can eat.

For £9.99 ($14 ish), it is a steal.

I charge 10 times this for a one to one service, so you would be daft not to.

I sold hundreds this year with some great reviews and success stories.

You can be the next.

Get it now:


Jamie “back to it” Leighton

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