Should you be low carb?

Unknown-2I met face to face with an old client the other day.

He weighed in at 127 kg this time last year and is now 94 kg.

He is a big guy naturally and when I mean big I don’t mean fat, he is just a powerfully built man – incase you’re wondering I’m not!

We discussed what he found had worked best for him over the last year nutritionally.

He said that drastically reducing his carbs was where he felt he made his biggest gains and he admitted that he was now a little worried about bringing too many carbs back into his diet.

This is a common scenario, becoming:


Does this mean that removing or reducing carbs from your diet would be the best option for you?


However let me tell you about who I believe the low carb diet favours the most.

Firstly, if you are a naturally bigger, more muscular, rugby player type, you will likely do better on a lower carb diet.

That is though only if your activity matches your physiology.

For example if that big rugby player is training twice a day with endurance activity, he may be better with carbs in his diet.

So whilst physiology plays a part so does your training.

If you are a sedentary, overweight person, low carb will likely work well regardless of your body type.

Triathletes though are rarely sedentary by nature so I guess that rules that out.

There however may be the odd bigger unit (by that I mean powerful and stocky) reading this though, who has found themselves attracted to endurance sport.

What I am trying to say here is that there are many variables.

Variables which can affect which nutrition strategy will suit you best.

Body type being one.

Training volume being another.

Stress is also a factor as is sleep.

Finding the right strategy for you then can be like unlocking the code to a safe.

I guess thats why I have a full client list at the moment, because people need help.

Some people infact will spend their whole lives trying to unlock which nutritional strategy works best for them.

With so much free information now being circulated on the internet, this complicates things further.

Who should you believe?

As a triathlete, I guess you should believe someone who knows about endurance sport.

Someone who has done it.

Not Joe Wick’s (sorry non UK residents), whilst his principles are good, his diet is set up for sedentary people not athletes.

This is why I wrote my E book – The Triathlete Nutrition Code:


Because I know that finding the right nutrition strategy for endurance athletes is hard.

Often there is so much science it can leave you blinded and almost paralysed.

My book is simple and easy to understand.

Not written to prove how clever I am, which I obviously am but too help you get your diet sorted.

That simple.

It’s second best to working with me one to one but it’s a hell of a lot cheaper too!

£9.99 to be precise – thats 14 USD roughly.

Give it a read:


Jamie “Wish I was powerful” Leighton

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