Should you eat between meals?

Unknown-2When I was growing up I was a little podgy.

I remember going to the Dr with my Mum and talking about my weight and was referred to a dietician.

She measured me and weighed me and I was told that I was actually NOT that fat!

The thing is that I didn’t agree with her – in comparison to the other boys at school I was fat.

This wasn’t body dysmorphia either, I was teased for being fat and one of my best mates would call me:

Chief Big Tit’s – which makes me laugh now but it didn’t then.

The only advice the dietician gave which I remember, was to NOT eat between meals, which was very much the advice of the time – this was the eighties.

If I am honest I did eat between meals, mainly cake!

Anyway, what about you?

Athletes are different, thats for sure and I do think that having available good snacks is one of the components which makes a successful diet.

This is especially true if you are consuming a whole food diet.

By that I mean, single ingredient foods – think about that for a moment………

You see – if you only eat natural, single ingredient foods it’s actually quite hard to eat enough calories, especially when you are training hard.

This is then, when snacks become more important but only if you feel hungry.

The issue with most people is that when they snack they do it in a reactionary way.

They pop to the shop, or the service station and buy a brightly coloured bar – usually chocolate.

To be fair there is not much else on offer.

So, to successfully snack you need to be prepared.

Quite simply that can just mean having some food with you, like an apple.

The act of packing this and taking it, will leave you less likely to pop to the shop – you don’t need to.

There are though a huge array of snacks which are tasty, good for you and will stop you getting hungry.

They will fuel your training and ultimately help you get leaner.

Along with all other meals there is a snack section in my E-book – The Triathlete Nutrition Code:


Some are very convenient, some require more effort.

Some are solid foods and others are shakes you can make up.

The shakes in particular are very good if you are struggling with eating after an early morning training session.

If you make one up that morning before you leave, or even the night before and take it with you, you will not be hungry later in the day and perhaps more importantly you will aid your recovery, so you are ready for your next session.

Like with all meals the quality of your snacks is important and for many this is the reason that their diets aren’t working.

So get the book and get the ball rolling – Today!


Jamie “Chief Big Tits” Leighton

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