Be lean and eat cake

Unknown-2Does that sound too good to be true?

It may do, but it is possible.

You see, I think the problem with people who are really lean, or who look really good, or who are really fast is that:

We assume they work really really hard for it and in most cases they do.

But do you really want to be as fast as them, or as lean as them?

Do you want to make those sacrifices?

Do you want to have to miss out on as much as them?

There may have been a time I would but that was before I knew the true value of life – it was when I was much younger!

Now I value the fact that we only get one shot and personally I don’t want to miss out on nice food, just so I can look good on a picture.

Thats nonsense in my opinion but is something massively fuelled by social media these days.

Don’t get me wrong……..

I want to be fast, look pretty decent naked but also drink some beer and eat some cake and I think you can have it all.

As my old Granny used to say:

“Everything in moderation”

And whilst she was right to some extent, everything in moderation will only lead to moderate results and I want a bit more than that.

So is there a solution?

Yes, firstly though we need to accept that we don’t want to look like that super lean athlete or model were told we should look like, especially if we train.

Were not their age.

We don’t have their genetics.

We don’t get paid to look like that.

We don’t have a makeup artist and fancy lighting.

We haven’t dieted for weeks and missed out on special occasions and……..


Once we’ve got that straight here is what we do:

Eat natural, single ingredient food.

Train regularly.

Sleep well.

Lift some weights twice a week as well as swim, bike and run.

Thats it!

I can help you with the food and the sleep in my E-book – The Triathlete Nutrition Code:



Eating for your body type.

Detail on whether you should be low carb or NOT (yes, you don’t have to be to lose weight)

It’s only £9.99/12 USD ish.

You could wait until after Christmas but that would make you like everyone else – get the head start and get it now:


Jamie Life is for living” Leighton.

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