Shortcut to lean

Unknown-2This is the first full week post Christmas and hence is officially the time of the New Years Resolution.

I did however hear on the radio today, that over 30% will have already given up on their good intentions.

What are yours?

For some of the 15,000 triathletes reading this, it will be to race for the first time or maybe go up to Ironman for the first time.

For the more experienced it will be to improve and PB, maybe qualify to represent your county at your Age Group.

There may even be the odd Kona wannabe!

The fact you are receiving these emails also, would strongly suggest that you need or want to lose some fat.

Will this be through more training?

Will it be through crash dieting?

Will it be through some liquid alternative to food – I hope not!

The fact is we all want things now.

The other fact is that if you follow a diet which is tasty, fills you up and leaves you not feeling like you are suffering, you are far more likely to stick to it.

In sticking to it for a few weeks you will make progress.

Not as much as if you went on a liquid crash diet.

The progress you make would be slower but more sustainable.

Its a bit like using revision for an exam as a metaphor:

If you work consistently for a long period of time you will get far better results than just cramming the night before.

I know that goes without saying but so many people seem to forget that with dieting.

The funny thing is that whilst these quick fixes may give you results sooner, in the long term they just don’t work.

Hence, taking things a little slower, learning more about nutrition and eating things which fill you up, will lead to better results.

The other thing to consider is that when we slash calories too much our training will suffer.

If that happens then what is the point?

After all as a triathlete I imagine your priorities are something like:
If you were a model this would likely be the other way round.

With so many diets being promoted at the moment, it is likely some of you are following some which aren’t specific to the athlete but more the general public looking to lose weight for aesthetic reasons.

If this is the case, the diets will always be set up around significant caloric restriction.

Not getting your diet optimal to fuel your training and improve you body composition through fat loss.

This is why I wrote my E-book – The Triathlete Nutrition Code:


It is written for endurance athletes by someone who understands what its like to be hungry on a cold day on the bike – NOT GOOD!

Inside you will find info on how to set up the perfect diet for you.

For your body type.

For your circumstances.

Even information on how to repair your metabolism.

On top of that you get healthy, tasty recipes for the whole family which will nourish your body and leave you feeling satisfied.

Best still its only £9.99 (12 USD ish)

Get it below:


Jamie “don’t starve yourself” Leighton

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