Nail the basics

As with everything in life, there is more than one way to skin a cat.

Fat loss is no different.

The thing which can make it slightly more complex is you!

You are all different.

You have different bodies, different minds, different training plans, different circumstances.

All of which will play a role in what is the best course of action for you.

Some will need slightly more complicated approaches, whilst others will benefit from the simple.

Generally speaking anyone looking to lose fat should start with the absolute basics.

From there and as you become leaner, the more complicated options become relevant.

If you are not already leanish………

Sub 15% men and 22% women, I would recommend starting with these basic principles:

1 – Be consistent with calories.
2 – Eat enough protein.

The best way to nail the calories is to use my fitness pal – just make sure you record every day, even the bad ones!

For both of the above, you will need to match the numbers to you, for calories this will depend on your weight and training volume.

For Protein, aim for 1g per pound of body weight. This can vary from person to person depending on type of training and volume, but it is a good starting point.

How do you put all of this together?

Well, you need a plan.

That is why I wrote my E-Book – The Triathlete Nutrition Code:


A nutrition book for Triathletes, not the general public.

It walks you through how to set up your own diet plan.

And that starts with setting calories.

Then you need to figure out your body type, which will help with setting protein, carbs and fat % – all done in the book.

Then follow the recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

Then it is simply a matter of committing to the plan.

Sticking to it for at least 6 days a week.

There is a chapter on mindset which can help with this.

It’s only £9.99/12 USD ish

Get it now:


Jamie “Simpleton” Leighton

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