Nutrition overwhelm

A few weeks ago I asked a question on Facebook:

“What are your biggest nutrition questions right now?”

Although there were a couple of questions about what macros when etc – the general theme was:

How do I know which diet or nutritional protocol to follow when there are so many people with so many opinions, all of whom are claiming their way is best?

It is a truly awesome question.

And here is my answer:

Firstly, you need to limit the people who you follow or whose advice you trust.

Secondly, you need to make sure you have followed that person for a while, read their social media posts and emails like this.

Essentially you need to decide whether you trust them and their advice.

Whether they are the right person for you.

That will depend on many things and whilst I’d obviously recommend myself, there are many other awesome coaches out there who pass on great knowledge.

Each Coach usually has a style or a preferred method of getting results – does their way fit with you?

For example – I often recommend that you eat less carbohydrate during the day and more in the evening – it helps with recovery and allowing full energy stores for the next days training.

For some people that works, others not.

It is not right or wrong – just a method.

I also recommend a diet which is dense in nutrient-rich foods and generally shy away from high energy products such as gels – although again, for some people they do have their place at certain times.

The key to getting away from the overwhelm is to simply commit to this persons methods and advice and it will likely work for you.

That can mean reading just their free stuff or making an investment in their products/services.

People who commit fully will increase their chances of success often regardless of the material or person in whom they place their trust.

Financial investment often adds that little extra incentive to make it work.

The bigger the investment, often the bigger the results.

It’s why I am currently fully booked with one to one clients.

If though you need some help – check out my E-Book – The Triathlete Nutrition Code:

It’s only £9.99/13 USD (ish).

It teaches you how to set up the perfect diet for you and your training, even your body type.

Read it now, learn what works and come January you will be ahead of the game.

Jamie “commit” Leighton

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