Get rid of your belly fat

imageEveryone wants visible abs and the bottom line is that if you haven’t got them its likely your nutrition isn’t good enough.


I think its fair to say there is plenty of free information out there which will help you achieve this aim;

Free info like this video I made:

Unfortunately though all this free information assumes you can follow these directions and that nothing will go wrong.

But what happens when something does go wrong?

Something went wrong for me the other day on the way home.

The M56 motorway serves the area I live in the North West of England and on Wednesday it was unexpectedly closed due to a tanker spillage.

Closed for 14 hours during rush hour.

The consequence being horrific traffic on every road around that area.

Everyone had their sat navs out, looking for alternative directions but those sat navs took everyone the same way.  It was the right way but not on that day under those circumstances.

I was stuck in the traffic too.

Luckily though I was born and have grown up in this area, so I knew of some B road routes.  Ones which don’t come up on the sat navs.

It took me much longer to get home than normal but I got there far quicker than everyone following the more obvious route.

In nutrition and training terms unless you have vast experience of most scenarios from years of practice you would be the one following their sat nav – the wrong way.

Those with the experience can pick out their own way but they will have made many mistakes to find their way, ones which you don’t want to make.

But what if you had a passenger who knew the other way?

A bit like an angel on your shoulder.

Someone who got to know you and your circumstances who could help you find a short cut?

Unless your lucky enough to have that friend it may mean you have to seek them out.

It may mean you have to pay them to help you, to coach you.

That’s my job and thats what I offer here:

Nutrition Plans for you:

Strength and Conditioning Plans for you:

Skype Consultations:

Jamie ” Abs like Peter Andre” Leighton

p.s – perhaps I’m showing my age there.

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