Now is the right time.

UnknownApparently Tuesday is the most productive day of the week.

The tiredness that often accompanies a Monday, whether it be from excess training, excess drinking or worse still both, makes it a day of survival.

By Tuesday though, were hungry – not for McDonald’s hopefully!

Years ago when I was training very hard I knew my nutrition wasn’t right and I genuinely didn’t know what to do about it.

I was interested in getting it sorted and knew it would make me faster and hopefully feel better.

I was always tired and got ill a lot.

I’d read things in various magazines and the odd bit online.

I’d pick up bits and pieces and try to implement those into my diet.

The odd healthy recipe, the odd tip here and there but it wasn’t working so well.

I decided I needed professional help.

I looked online for sports nutritionists.

I didn’t just want anyone, I wanted someone who knew my circumstances.

I wasn’t like everyone else, I trained hard and the person who was going to help me needed to understand that.

They needed to know what it was like to feel how I felt, someone who had trod the path I was treading.

I couldn’t find anyone who I thought fitted the bill.

I’d like to say that inspired me to do what I am doing today but it didnt.  I just wanted help then and I couldn’t find it.

I was desperate and their was nobody to help – very frustrating.

I wish I could say that I battled on and figured it out for myself.

That I got my nutrition sorted, that I got leaner and felt more energised.

But I didn’t, not for a couple more years.

I wasted time and it’s something that I still regret.

That’s one of the reasons I wrote my book, to help other people get on top of their own nutrition NOW.

For some though the book ( won’t be enough.

Thats why I have my coaching packages (

This though is not for everyone.

– It is not for people who want only to be mediocre

– It is not for people who are not prepared to try something new

– It is not for people who don’t want to be the best version of themselves

– It is not for people who don’t mind having regrets

– It is only for the hungry, the motivated, the driven people who are desperate for success.

If thats you, you will be a good fit and you will get success, assuming you do the work that is.  But you will because you are hungry!

I only work with small numbers on my one to one packages for obvious reasons.

I’ve only got so much to give and what I do give has to be the best.

I’ve made the mistake of trying to do too much in the past.

There are currently two spots available.

If you want in, be sure to respond quickly because there are nearly 9000 triathletes reading this – they will be gone FAST.

Further details here:

Jamie “Make things happen” Leighton

p.s – Thanks for all the book purchases last week, I truly am humbled by the responses I’ve had so far!

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