Why bother?

UnknownI think we all think this from time to time – is it all really worth it.

You see, the life of a triathlete is not an easy one.

It’s like you’ve made the decision to make your life a little bit harder than everyone else.

Obviously there is the training, which most of us enjoy.

But, then there is the other sacrifice…………..

Time when normal people do normal things, is time we want to spend training.

As I’ve said before, I like that sacrifice as I am sure you do, but……….

On occasion it can add pressures.

This weekend is potentially one of those times.

Easter, like all holidays is a time we can have extra time with friends and family.

The people who are closest to us, who need us in their lives.

The problem can be that when they expect us there, we want to get out on the bike or a long run.

It’s a constant balancing act and if your anything like me, on occasion that can make you feel a bit guilty.

My wife knows me well enough now to NOT ask:

“Do you have to go training again”

For us, our relationship meant her accepting this, or we would never have got together.

The thing for some people is that when they meet their other half, they are not an “obsessive” triathlete – they become one.

That can add pressures at home.

The key then to all of this is making the most of your time – good quality training over junk miles.

Good quality family time, actually engaging with your family instead of being on your phone.

Essentially giving yourself wholly to the experience you’re having at the time – NOT multi tasking, as they say:

“The more you put in the more you get out.”

More doesn’t necessarily mean more volume though, it can just mean more effort.

So in a life where juggling many balls is a challenge, nutrition often gets no attention.

It simply doesn’t seem a priority – like there is not enough time to think about it.

This is a mistake.

If you get your diet right, it does a number of things:

  • You recover better
  • Your body fat goes down
  • You sleep better
  • You are faster
  • You feel miles better.

All of these things make you a better athlete and the best thing is that it requires no more time, energy or sacrifice – it’s not like trying to fit in an extra training session.

Thats why my coaching business has grown so quickly, because so many people understand the importance of getting this right, they just can’t do it.

If your one of them, you can buy a coaching package now for £99, details below:


Otherwise but my ebook – The Triathlete Nutrition Code.


This is all my coaching knowledge in a book for just £10/14 ish USD

Since its release in January, more people have bought this than I could ever have imagined – Something I am really humbled by.

Jamie “Thank You” Leighton.

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